Stop Criticizing People Positive Affirmations


Our stop criticizing people positive affirmations are specifically designed to allow you to improve your personality and become more appealing to others. When used correctly, these affirmations are able to change your mind set by altering the way you deal with certain situations.

The main benefits of positive affirmations are simple. They have the power to allow you to change your outlook on life and the way you deal with situations that may come your way. They are able to vastly influence personalities and optimism.

Positive affirmations can allow you to stop criticizing people as they can stop you noticing the negatives about others. This can allow you to improve your social life, become well liked and advance in your career.

We recommend that you use some of the affirmations provided below at least once a day in order to gain their full potential.

Present Tense Affirmations
I do not see people’s flaws
I am good at encouraging other people
I am better at seeing people’s achievements than their failings
I can make people happy with my words
I wake up and feel positive
I am good at complimenting people
I find it easy not to criticize people
I naturally see the personality of a person rather than what they look like
I am able to smile more and feel happier
I can tell people when I am impressed at their achievements


Future Tense Affirmations
I will begin to compliment people more
I will stop criticizing people
I will become a more positive person
I will become more sensitive towards other’s feelings
I am transforming into a better person
I will strive to help others rather than put them down
I am becoming more positive every day
Others will respect my opinion more
I will always find something nice to say
Other people will like my new personality and optimism


Natural Affirmations
Others see me as a nice, friendly person
I only see the best in people
People are happy in my presence
I am much happier when I do not criticize people
I enjoy telling people that they have done well
Being positive comes naturally to me
People will come to me for help
People look up to me as a role model
I improved my life when I stopped criticizing others
I find it easy to be positive
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Other affirmations you may be interested in: Stop Complaining, Ego Control, Control Your Emotions, Improve Social Skills

Recommended Resources to Stop Criticizing People

Stop Complaining Subliminal: This album is able to help you target complaining but can be beneficial for criticizing too as they are linked. By focusing on preventing complaining about other people this album can be used in conjunction with the positive affirmations on this page.

Stop Criticizing Subliminal: The best album we have found to work with stop criticizing positive affirmations. It is able to guide your mind to become more conscious of the way you interact with people and the messages you send out such as body language.