Running Positive Affirmations


You probably already know that running is a great cardiovascular exercise that is not only beneficial for your lungs and legs, but also an excellent way to leave stress and worries behind. These running positive affirmations will help you develop the motivation necessary to get the most out of your running routine.

Runners are known for their lean physique and exceptional stamina. They appear on city streets and country roads, effortlessly gliding over the ground. If you wish that you had the willpower to become a regular runner and join the ranks of these admirable athletes, then begin your journey here with these affirmations. They will help you develop the mental endurance necessary to devote yourself to becoming the runner that you’ve always wanted to be.

Whether your idea of running includes a goal of winning a marathon or simply sticking to a jogging regimen, practicing these running affirmations will enable you to define that goal and work steadily to reach it.

Present Tense Affirmations
I am committed to running
I am a natural born runner
I enjoy running
I am motivated to run
I feel great when running
I always strive to go faster and further
I am a fast runner
I am agile
I always look forward to running
I am focused on running


Future Tense Affirmations
I will run regularly
I will increase my stamina
I will be motivated to run
I am finding it easy to run further and faster
I will become extremely dedicated to running
I am beginning to realize my running potential
I will be known for my running ability
I am starting to look forward to running
I will stick to my running routine
My endurance is building


Natural Affirmations
Running comes naturally to me
Others know me as a runner
My endurance is naturally high
Running is easy
Running is part of my routine
My lifestyle is active
Motivation to run comes easily to me
Running is fun
My stamina is great
Running feels natural and easy

Other affirmations you might be interested in: Athletics, Fitness Training, Soccer, Motivation to Exercise, Healthy Eating Habits.

Recommended Tools for Runners

Running Training Aid Subliminal: This album was created to eliminate any procrastination that may be lurking in your training routine. It will subliminally push you to perform your best when it comes to running and allow you to train your hardest to reach your goals.

Motivation to Exercise Hypnosis: You can instill a natural drive to exercise by conditioning your mind with this motivation to exercise hypnosis. Perfect for runners who need a little bit of an extra boost to help them become a consistent runner who always finds the time, energy, and motivation to exercise.